Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mpambano wa kukata na shoka kati ya Dar es salaam Zoofc na TaswaFc uliofanyika jana katika viwanja vya Dar es salaam Zoo kama unavyoonekana katika picha,mpambano huo wa kukata nashoka ulishuhudia timu ya TaswaFc ukishinda kwa taabu goli 3-0.
Dhumuni la mpambano huu ni ufunguzi wa viwanja vya michezo vilivyomo katika zoo hii pamoja timu ya Dar ZooFc na udhamini wa Dar zoo kwa TaswaFc.
Mchezo umechezeshwa na Mwamuzi wa kimataifa mstaafu othman Kazi, na Kamisaa akiwa Sakina Lioka.
Magoli ya Taswa Fc yalipachikwa na Majuto, Juma pinto na Hussein

Marketing Manager
Salim Hassan
Dar es Salaam Zoo
+255 784 524285


Thursday, September 08, 2011

SimbaSc Kidedea! Yanga waendelea kung'ang'ania mkiani

Mshambuliaji "Hatari" wa Yanga Davis mwape akijaribu kuwatoka Mabeki wa Mtibwa
MABINGWA wa Ngao ya Jamii, Simba, jana iliendeleza ubabe katika mechi za Ligi Kuu Bara, baada ya kuchapa Villa Squad bao 1-0.Mechi hiyo ya tatu kwa
Simba, ilichezwa kwenye Uwanja wa CCM Mkwakwani mjini Tanga, ilikuwa ya kusisimua muda wote.

Simba walianza mchezo kwa kulisakama lango la Villa, ambapo dakika ya saba, Gervais Kago, aliifungia bao hilo baada ya kuwatoka mabeki wa Villa na kuukwamisha mpira wavuni.

Villa Squad ambao wamepanda daraja msimu huu, walionesha uhai katika kila idara, lakini kosa walilofanya ni kushindwa kumdhibiti Kago.

Kipindi cha pili Villa Squad walirudi uwanjani na nguvu mpya, ambapo walilisakama lango la Simba mara nyingi, lakini washambuliaji walishindwa kufunga mabao.

Kwa matokeo hayo, Simba itakuwa imefikisha pointi tisa, ikiwa nyuma ya JKT Ruvu ambayo inaongoza ligi hiyo ikiwa sawa kwa pointi na Simba, lakini zikitofautiana kwa mabao ya kufunga na kufungwa.

Wakati Simba wakizidi kuchanja mbuga, watani wao, Yanga, wameendelea kushikilia mkia baada ya kutoka suluhu dhidi ya Mtibwa Sugar, anaripoti Ramadhan Libenanga, Morogoro.

Yanga ilicheza na Mtibwa Sugar kwenye Uwanja wa Jamhuri mjini Morogoro.

Dakika ya 10, Jerryson Tegete wa Yanga, alimvisha kanzu beki Salum Swedi wa Mtibwa Sugar, lakini kipa Deo Munishi (Dida), aliuwahi mpira na kuudaka.

Davis Mwape wa Yanga, alipata nafasi nzuri dakika 13, lakini shuti lake lilimgusa beki wa Mtibwa na kuwa, ambayo haikuzaa matunda.

Dakika ya 30, Julius Mrope alipata nafasi nzuri baada ya kuwalamaba chenga mabeki watatu wa Mtibwa Sugar, lakini pasi yake fupi iliokolewa na mabeki.

Mtibwa Sugar walijibu mashambulizi dakika ya 42, kupitia kwa Thomas Morris, lakini shuti lake lilitoka nje ya lango.

Dakika ya 63, Kigi Makasi, alipiga shuti kali, ambalo lilitemwa na kipa wa Mtibwa, Dida, lakini Mrope alishindwa kuukwamisha mpira kimiani.

Kutoka Dodoma, timu ya Polisi Tanzania imeshindwa kuutumia vizuri uwanja wake wa nyumbani wa Jamhuri, mjini Dodoma baada ya kulazimishwa suluhu dhidi ya Ruvu Shoting

Wagombea CCM, Chadema wakwaa kisiki Igunga

Alisema kuwa mgombea wa CHADEMA Bw. Kashindye ni mfanyakazi wa Wizara ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi akiwa na
wadhifa wa Mkaguzi wa Elimu Wilaya ya Igunga, wakati mgombea wa CCM Dkt. Kafumu ni Kamishina wa Madini katika Wizara ya Nishati na Madini.

Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi Jimbo la Igumga Bw. Protace Magayane, alisema kuwa amepokea pingamizi hilo na anatoa nafasi kwa walalamikiwa kutoa vielelezo kabla hatua hazijachukuliwa.

Wakati huo huo Mwenyekiti wa Vijana Taifa wa CUF Bw. Mohamed Babu amekanusha tuhuma zilizoelekezwa kwao kuwa wao ni chanzo cha vurugu zilizosababisha mtafaruku wakati wa kurudisha fomu za wagombea wa Chama hicho na CHADEMA.

Alisema kuwa wafuasi wa CHADEMA ndio walikuwa wa kwanza kumzuia mgombea wa CUF Bw. Leopoad Mahona asiweze kurudisha fomu katika kipindi hicho ambacho na wao walikuwa wamejiandaa kurudisha fomu za mgombea wao.

Hata hivyo Katibu wa CHADEMA Wilaya ya Igunga Bw. Christopher Saye alisema nao wamewasilisha malalamiko yao kwa Mkuu wa Polisi wa Wilaya hiyo (OCD) wakidai kuwa walifanyiwa

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Kesi dhidi ya Mbunge Lema yaanza kunguruma

KESI ya kupinga ushindi wa Mbunge wa Arusha Mjini kupitia tiketi ya Chadema, Godbless Lema, jana ilianza
kunguruma katika Mahakama Kuu ya Tanzania, Kanda ya Arusha kwa mawakili wa utetezi kuomba
ifutiliwe mbali  kwa madai kuwa  walalamikaji hawana haki kisheria kupinga matokeo hayo.

Kesi hiyo namba 13 ya mwaka 2010,  imefunguliwa na wanachama watatu wa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) wanaodai kuwa Lema alitoa lugha za kashfa na ubaguzi wa kidini na kijinsia dhidi ya aliyekuwa mgombea wa chama chao, Dk Batilda Buriani. Walalamikaji hao wanadai kuwa lugha hizo ziliathiri matokeo ya uchaguzi katika Jimbo la Arusha Mjini.Wanaompinga Lema katika kesi hiyo ni, Mussa Mkanga, Agnes Mollel na Happy Kivuyo ambao kwa pamoja wanawakilishwa na mawakili Alute Mughwai na Modest Akida.

Wanadai kuwa  katika siku na
sehemu mbalimbali,  Lema alidai kuwa Dk Burian, ameolewa Zanzibar na kwamba yeye na mumewe angekwenda kuishi visiwani humo baada ya uchaguzi.

Wanadai kuwa Lema pia alitoa madai kuwa mgombe huyo wa CCM hakuwa mwaminifu na kwamba hiyo inadhihirishwa na kitendo cha kazaa na mwanamume mwingine.

Mawakili wa utetezi Method Kimomogoro, anayemwakilisha Lema,ameweka pingamizi tatu na kumuomba Jaji Aloyce Mujuluzi  kulitupilia mbali kesi hiyo kwa madai kuwa walalamikaji wameshindwa kubainisha wanavyohusika na maneno yanayodaiwa kutamkwa na mteja wake dhidi ya Dk Burian.

“Wadai hawana sababu za kisheria za kulalamika kwa sababu maneno wanayodai kutolewa kwenye mikutano ya hadhara (kama yalitolewa),yalilengwa kwa Dk Burian binafsi na si wao. Hawajaeleza madhara waliyopata wao kama wapiga kura,” alisema wakili Kimomogoro.

Hoja hiyo ilimfanya Jaji Mujuluzi kumuuliza wakili huyo, “ina maana unalenga kusema pilipili usizokula  zakuwashia nini,”

Kwa upande wake wakili Kimomogoro alijibu kuwa ndiyo alikuwa na maana hiyo.Alitaja kifungu cha 111 (1) ya sheria ya uchaguzi inayoelekeza mdai au mlalamikaji katika kesi ya kupinga matokeo ya uchaguzi, kubainisha wazi makosa ya kisheria yaliyotendeka na madhara aliyopata, jambo ambalo alidai kuwa
walalamikaji wameshindwa kufanya kupitia katika hati yao ya madai.

Wakili huyo alisema kisheria wadai hawana haki kulamikia taratibu za kampeni kulingana na sheria ya maadili ya uchaguzi iliyosainiwa na vyama vyote vilivyoshiriki uchaguzi mkuu wa Oktoba 31 mwaka jana.

Alidai kuwa sheria hiyo inatoa nafasi kwa chama au mgombea pekee kuwasilisha malalamiko katika
kamati ya uchaguzi ngazi husika ndani ya saa 48 tangu tukio lilipotokea.

Kwa upande wao, mawakili wa serikali wanaomwakilisha Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali ambaye ni mdaiwa wa pili katika shauri hilo, Timon Vitalis na Juma Masanja, waliunga mkono hoja za Kimomogoro na kwamba ushindi wa
Lema, ulionyesha matakwa na maslahi ya umma hivyo wadai lazima waonyeshe yamewaathiri vipi.

“Matokeo ya uchaguzi huonyesha matakwa ya walio wengi. Ili matokeo ya uchaguzi yatenguliwe, lazima wadai waonyeshe wameathirika vipi na hayo
matokeo ambayo ni maslahi ya umma. Hati ya madai inaonyesha maneno yalitamkwa dhidi ya Dk Burian na si wao,” alisema wakili Vitalis akiomba shauri hilo litupwe.

Alisema kifungu cha 111 cha sheria ya uchaguzi kinatoa haki kwa mpiga kura kupinga matokeo, lakini lazima azingatie sababu zinazoweza kusababisha matokeo kutenguliwa zilizoanishwa katika kifungu cha 108 cha sheria na kwamba hoja ya Dk Burian kuzaa na mwanamume mwingine haiangukii  katika kifungu hicho bali inastahili kushughulikiwa kama kashfa binafsi.

Baada ya upende wa utetezi kuwasilisha hoja za pingamizi, wakili wa wadai, Mugwai aliomba mahakama iwape muda wa kupitia na kujibu hoja, ombi ambalo  lilikubaliwa na Jaji Mujuluzi.

Baadaye, jaji huyo aliahirisha kesi hiyo hadi leo atakapoendela.


Director of Communications at the State House Mr Salva Rweyemamu speaks to the press flanked by Assistant Press Secretary to the President Ms Premmy Kibanga


a.      In an outrageous cable reported by Wikileaks, the former US Ambassador to Tanzania, Michael Retzer is reported to have said in his cable reports that President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete has accepted gifts from the owner of the Kempinski Hotel chain, who is a citizen of the United Emirates.

b.      This is, according to Ambassador Retzer, from a conversation he had with the Manager and Publicity Director of the former Dar es Salaam-based Kilimanjaro-Kempinski Hotel, Miss Lisa Pile.

c.      This cable is as untruthful as it is outrageous. It is full of lies and innuendoes seeking to tarnish the good image and name of the President.  It is unfortunate and highly disappointing that an ambassador worth his name could engage in this kind of lazy gossip. 

d.     The Directorate of the Presidential Communications would like to deny these lies in the strongest terms possible as follows:

2.      We would like to state categorically that there has never been a time when the President received gifts from Ali Albwardy. This is definitely an outrageous claim and if there is evidence to the contrary, we would like to challenge Mr. Albwardy to produce it for the public to satisfy itself that what he is claiming are mere lies.
3.      That there has never been a time, ever, when His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, during his time as Foreign Minister or currently as President of the United Republic of Tanzania, was flown by anybody to London on a subsidized shopping expedition to buy five suits. All his travels to London or any other places in the world have been duty assignments paid for by the Government of Tanzania. The matter of him being flown to London for subsides shopping of five suites is outrageous.
4.      That during his entire life, as Foreign Minister or as President, the President has never met in London nor travelled with Ali Albwardy to London on a shopping expedition.
5.      That the President was not responsible for raising nor receiving campaign funds for CCM Party during the 2005 General Elections. He was simply the flag bearer of the Party.  However, he is privy to information that Kempinski Kilimanjaro Hotel was never asked nor contributed a single cent towards CCM campaign. Therefore the allegations that Kempinski Kilimanjaro Hotel contributed one million (USD 1,000,000) toward CCM campaign are baseless and unfounded.
6.      That the Government permission for possessing of the Kilimanjaro Hotel by Kempinski Hotels and the subsequent permission to Kempinski to build two new hotels  - one on the edge of the Ngorongoro Crater and another on the Serengeti plains overlooking the main animal migration routes were issued by the Third Phase Tanzania Government and not by Mr. Kikwete’s Administration.
7.      However, President Kikwete declined to grant Kempinski Hotels permission to build on the Ngorongoro Crater on the strength of environmental concerns. How come then that the President who has been offered so many favors such as suits and election money, took this principled position? This therefore testifies to the fact that, claims that the President has received favours are   with malice intentions from his authors.
8.      That it is a lie that Mr Kikwete has frequented Kilimanjaro Kempinski Hotel in his personal capacity. The records are very clear; the President has never, ever on his own visited that Hotel except on official duties or when he has escorted official state guests.9.      It is unfortunate that the distinguished Ambassador would believed and transmit such baseless lies and ear-says from a single source. The Office of the President takes strong exception to such behaviour which seeks to tarnish the name and person of the President.
Imetolewa na:Kurugenzi ya Mawasiliano ya Rais,Ikulu,Dar es Salaam.


Dar es Salaam Tourist Executive Board (DTEB) is the coordinator of this year’s World Tourism Day.The World Tourism Day (WTD) is a renowned public awareness day designed by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UN-WTO) and celebrated on 27 September of every year.  The WTD Celebration is an effective way of public awareness creation of the importance of tourism and a stimulant to development activities that promote the benefits derived from tourism. Stake holders spearheading the celebration of WTD 2011 in Tanzania are Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism which is the Tanzania Country desk office of Tanzania’s membership to UN on matters relating to Tourism, Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF) through the Cluster Competitive Programme (CCP), Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB), Tanzania Confederation of Tourism (TCT), Dar es Salaam Tourist Executive Board (DTEB, The Dar es Salaam City Council and the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner who is the host of the celebration.In Tanzania the socio economic importance of tourism has been growing from strength to strength resulting in creation of jobs from cities to rural areas and generating considerable foreign income to the nation and to individuals. This is the third time for Tanzania to celebrate WTD at the national level. The other celebrations were held in Bukoba 2006 and in Iringa 2009. Activities to mark the event will include a speech by the Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism on 27th September 2011, Exhibitions on tourism and culture on 30thSeptember and 1st October 2011 as well as Tourism as a potential hungry market for produce from primary producers of horticulture and food processing, There will also be round table discussions and Gala dinner scheduled for 1st of October 2011. Other planned activities expected to run parallel to these events include the launching of DTEB Tourist Information Centre at the Julius Nyerere International Airport and a float around streets of Dar es Salaam.We call for your highly valued supportAs a stakeholder in the tourism industry in Tanzania, we are extending to you an invitation to be part of this initiative and humbly request you to consider participating in these celebrations. We wish your esteemed company to be one among many companies and organizations which will be showcasing their products and services during the World Tourism Day exhibitions scheduled for Friday 30th September to Saturday 1st October 2011 at the Mnazi Mmoja grounds, Dar es Salaam.Exhibition fee for the two days amounts to Tzs. 500,000 (Five hundred thousand shillings only) which will cover for one booth size (3 × 3 meters) provided with one table and two chairs. Additionally as a strategy to promote your products and services to the general public countrywide, the organizing committee is arranging for a two weeks 30 minutes a day Television program to be broadcasted on prominent TV stations during prime times (between 6:00 PM and 10:30 PM) from 27th September to 6th October 2011. For your company to feature in this TV program you are requested to contribute Tzs. 500,000 (Five hundred thousand shillings only) and you will receive 5 minutes of the program to talk about your business and showcase your products and services to your existing and potential customers countrywide. Recording and interviews regarding your company and products must be done earlier and we would appreciate your prompt confirmation to be part of the program before 20th September 2011.Kindly note that all payments should be directed/ addressed to the following Account:Account Name: Emerging Markets Group (T) LtdBank Name: Stanbic BankAccount USD 2: 0240011905601Account TZS 3: 0140011905602We hope you will reflect on this plea and decide to join hands with us in pushing the tourism industry in our country forward.For more details please contact:Paul R.K Mashauri, PresidentThe East Africa Speakers BureauOff: Mikocheni B Area, Plot # 320,Off Old Bagamoyo Road Dar es Salaam +255 2700051 +255 717 653544/ +255 684005839

Friday, September 02, 2011

The Dk. Remmy Ongala Foundation is a charitable organisation, founded by Remmy’s daughter, Aziza Ongala, in memory of her father — an outstanding Tanzanian popular musician and social campaigner.